Monday, February 3, 2014

A Story of Demeter

Long ago Zeus and Demeter had a child named Persephone. Demeter always wanted Persephone to be hers, but Persephone felt different. She wanted to be with somebody, so Zeus ordered a cupid to shoot an arrow. The arrow shot Hades, so he kidnapped Persephone and took her to the underworld where they got married. This infuriated and scared Demeter, for her daughter was gone and there was nothing to do. She spent time searching which took her focus off of taking care of the weather. It became present time winter in this period of time. Zeus realized what was happening and told Hades. He got a magic pomegranate and gave it to Persephone to eat. One seed represented a month that she would stay in the underworld, and she ate 4. So every four months a year when Persephone is gone, her mother mourns and does not create a "harvesting season" for the earth, or in other words it's present day winter.

If you want to see the full myth in a video click on the link i found below:


  1. This was a very well written summary. It was easy to understand and it flowed nicely. Good job!

  2. Very good summery. Eating the pomegranate seeds is interesting.
