Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Greetings...(First Blog)

Greetings from the goddess above, Demeter, I don’t really know how to work these “blog” objects, but i will tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Demeter, i am the goddess of corn, grain, and harvest. My mommy is Rhea and my daddy is Chronus. I have a daughter whose name is Persephone, but she is forced to spend four months a year in the underworld because of an idiot named Hades. He abducted her from me and forced her to be his wife, what a creep. I kind of blew a gasket and put a curse on him. Anyways, I have red hair, wear a blue dress, and have a flower crown. The others describe me as beautiful and mature. I have several hotties that follow me around, including Zeus and Poseidon, dang they are fine. Since I am a goddess, yes I do have powers of course. The powers i possess include superhuman strength, and being able to cross between barriers of the world to alter my form of age. The most effective power i have is being able to control the crops with my emotions, so i suggest that i am kept happy or else no food for you. Okay, okay I think I have shared enough of my life with you earthlings, I can hear some corn problems going on so I should excuse myself from this blog for a short period. Goodbye for now.


  1. I like how you have some modern day slang in your post, and how you make it funny. It makes you want to keep reading

  2. Nice humor... It kept it fun and it resting!I really enjoyed reading it.

  3. Your costume looked very similar. Good Job.

  4. Nice job on your posts! Your first and last posts were interesting and fun to read because of the way you worded them.
